Handguards NX250

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Handguards NX250

Beitrag von Yongüein »

Not so long ago I bought a pair of sturdy, good looking and with a very decent quality closed handguards from a chinese eBay seller.

It was so bad that I had to resell them as they did not fit my bike because they contacted the front fairing. Maybe it was because my steering bar is not the stock one but a wider enduro one

Are there any available brands you know they sure fit? An eBay link would work for me
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Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von scrambler »

Yongüein hat geschrieben:Not so long ago I bought a pair of sturdy, good looking and with a very decent quality closed handguards from a chinese eBay seller.

It was so bad that I had to resell them as they did not fit my bike because they contacted the front fairing. Maybe it was because my steering bar is not the stock one but a wider enduro one

Are there any available brands you know they sure fit? An eBay link would work for me

the NX250 got the same clutch lever & brackets and brake lever as the NTV – so I guess their hand guards fit http://www.ebay.de/itm/Acerbis-X-Tarmac ... 5d512276af. But I haven’t tried this because I always use handguards from the NX650 or Transalp XL600-XL700. High quality and almost unbreakable.
On the right side you only need a longer screw http://zsf-motorrad.de/product/126025|0


On the left you either have to design a new longer bolt or you take the complete clutch lever & bracket from the NX650 or Transalp. Nice side effect: the NX parts are shorter and the brake lever is adjustable.
kupplung nx250.JPG

Cheers, Michael
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Registriert: Mo Okt 05, 2015 6:58 pm
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Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von Yongüein »

Too expensive for me those NTV handguards,

I will try to find NX650/Transalp option. Is it necesary to chang e lever ?The handguards are open and they should fit.Any modifications needed in the right side?
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Re: Handguards

Beitrag von scrambler »

Yongüein hat geschrieben:Too expensive for me those NTV handguards,

I will try to find NX650/Transalp option. Is it necesary to chang e lever ?The handguards are open and they should fit.Any modifications needed in the right side?
The NX650/Transalp lever will not fit on the NX250 bracket and vice versa. On the right side you just need the longer screw, otherwise its plug and play. Even though the handguards are open they really do a good job in protecting the levers - I never had a broken lever ever since.

Cheers, Michael
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Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von marcus »

Hi all, i would like to buy aluminium handguards ( enduro style ) like this one below ?
Which one could fit the NX250, any advices ?

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Registriert: Di Dez 15, 2015 7:23 pm
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Re: Handguards

Beitrag von marcus »

From ACERBIS, I like the "X-FACTOR" model, do you think I can install it on the NX250 ?
http://www.acerbis.it/motorsport/en/pro ... 557#a_page
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Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von scrambler »

marcus hat geschrieben: Mi Mär 07, 2018 11:12 pm From ACERBIS, I like the "X-FACTOR" model, do you think I can install it on the NX250 ?
http://www.acerbis.it/motorsport/en/pro ... 557#a_page
sorry, never tried one of those - but since they are universal parts I guess they can be fitted .... somehow ;)
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Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von kuroguro »

Was also looking for closed handguards, the local shop allowed me to unpack a few to check fitment. I ended up with Acerbis x-factory (not x-factor, tho from pictures it looks like it uses the same clamp and might have the same size/curve for the bar).


The left side fit pretty well, I did have to move the lever by ~1cm to fit (1.).
The cables seem to want to go exactly where the clamp is (2.) also it barely clears the dash but overall pretty satisfied with this side.


The right side isn't great. The end of the throttle tube extends slightly further than the bar (3.) and there's nothing centering the guard. Definitely don't want to bump it and get my throttle stuck.
The throttle is held in position by a pin (4.) so drilling the hole further seems to be the way.
The position of the lever also isn't exactly where I want it. The brake line (5.) wants to go directly in the clamp no matter which way I face it. I managed to persuade it to go under. Also the throttle cables are just barely cleared (6.) by the lever near the adjustment, which makes me anxious about not being able to brake after bumping something. Drilling the hole (4.) at a slight angle should give more clearance.


So overall while these technically fit without modification, probably some work on the right side needs to be done. Most people on advforum seem to just chop off the ends of the levers to make other guards fit, which might not be a bad idea.
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Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von scrambler »

Good descriptions and pictures, thanks for sharing. I would also shorten the levers, they are much too long anyway.
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Registriert: So Mär 03, 2024 7:02 pm

Re: Handguards NX250

Beitrag von kuroguro »

Thanks! I'm considering shortening them but it always feels bad to cut oem parts for some reason :)

I drilled the throttle position hole today as described and it solved all the main problems I had. I think it was a 5mm bit. Got both of the guards and levers at a comfortable position and symmetric. The levers sit at a slight angle below the guard bars so there's a small chance to snap them but I think I'll keep them as is for now and see how it goes.